Collin Hoeve is a Dutch singer-songwriter best known for his ability to instantly create songs.
You could have seen him in action on Hollands Got Talent or as the songwriter for the talkshow Humberto on RTL4. It is his philosophy that everyone can ... Read more
Evelien Verhegge is a speech therapist in Ghent, Belgium.
In her practice, Logopedie Gelukstraat, she helps people with voice problems.
In addition, young and old come to her for teaching healthy breathing.
Her work is her passion, as is dance ... Read more
Julian Knörzer (Freiburg) studied music education and choir conducting (MH-Freiburg,
RAMA Vocal Center). As a beatboxer, singer, choir director and arranger, he is active in the
German vocal scene (including UNDUZO, Acoustic Instinct, Jazzchor ... Read more
Kevin Zwinkels voelt zich een muzikale duizendpoot in het primair onderwijs. Hij is vakdocent muziek voor de klas, opleidingsdocent muziek op de pabo van Inholland en koordirigent. Met zijn master Vocal Leadership op zak timmert hij aan de weg en ... Read more
Lotte van der Kleij is a vocal coach, choir conductor, and entrepreneur. She is the owner of De Zang- en Theaterschool in Nijmegen (Netherlands) and the new online art academy: Cre8 Academy. She enthusiastically provides vocal lessons, conducts ... Read more
With great love and passion for piano & choir singing Rohan starts his career as a choir conductor in 2004. After graduating at HKU Music in Education he decides to specialize in Rhythmic Choir Music. He finishes his master & soloist ... Read more
Stephanie Kramer is een expert in het creëren en begeleiden van vocale improvisatie in de klas en het vergroten van de muzikale comfortzone van de leerling. Stephanie heeft haar masteropleiding in Rotterdam afgerond en is gespecialiseerd in het ... Read more
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