Rohan Poldervaart
With great love and passion for piano & choir singing Rohan starts his career as a choir conductor in 2004. After graduating at HKU Music in Education he decides to specialize in Rhythmic Choir Music. He finishes his master & soloist (post-master) at the Royal Academy of Aalborg (DK) in 2019.
‘Innovative Choir Leading’ represents a work method to train your group in all musical parameters, to empower creativity, ownership and vocal stability in your group. The method develops a capella singing, social cohesion, vocal (group) improvisation, circle singing, rehearsed music to aim for the highest artistic level. With his humble presence, communication and musical skills Rohan is an experienced and inspiring teacher and musician.
“The most fascinating element of music and singing in general is the social engagement and the influence on the sound”
Rohan is currently working as the artistic director at BALK, hoir association and was former artistic director at Vocal Statements. Together with his colleague Anthony Heidweiller he designs a specific program for secondary schools VMBO level. At the moment Rohan is involved in many different cultural projects as director and he works internationally (BE, DE, FIN, DK, China) as a coach and trainer for music teachers and conductors.