Blijf leren

Be inspired by courses in art education, led by internationally acclaimed instructors and designed for both professionals and enthusiastic amateurs.

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Ontdek verschillende cursussen in muziek, theater en dans, speciaal gemaakt voor professionele kunstdocenten, kunstenaars en andere enthousiaste mensen die meer willen leren.

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Onze cursussen

Choirtelling - The Handsigns

By Lotte van der Kleij

Choirtelling - The handsigns

With Choirtelling, you’ll learn how to integrate storytelling, performance, and positioning on stage into your choir performances, without it being about acting or playing roles.
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Learn to beatbox

By Julian Knörzer

Learn to Beatbox

Welcome to the world of beatboxing! In this online training, Julian Knörzer will teach you the fundamentals step by step.
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Instant Creativity

By Collin Hoeve

Instant Creativity

The 3 video long course helps to formulate boundaries that help you create and helps to tackle your own judgment while creating songs.
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A Road to Circle Singing

By Rohan Poldervaart

A Road to Circle Singing

Explore the world of circle song singing with a 10-year-tested method by Rohan Poldervaart.
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For Art professionals

By art professionals
Professionele docenten

Ons internationale docententeam bereikt samen een breed aanbod aan disciplines.

Groeiend aanbod

Ieder jaar zullen wij nieuwe cursussen uploaden, zodat je kan bijven leren bij ons.

Low Prices

Ons doel is om iedereen de kans te geven om verder te blijven leren.

At Your Own Pace

Because our trainings are online, you can train at a time and place that suits you best.

Our Course Categories


8 Courses


7 courses


3 courses


6 courses


55 Courses


58 Courses


30 Courses

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